I just realised how long it's been since I updated - oops! But noone reads this anyway so I'm off the hook :P :D. Have settled into Sir John Deane's college nicely, and am home early today because we had a review day (where we go to speak to all of our teachers induvidually and set goals for the next few weeks) and all my appointments were this morning which was quite lucky (Y). It went really well and 3 of my 4 teachers (one wasn't in) gave me really good reports and said I was getting along well :)
In October half-term I had a lovely holiday in Turkey with one of my best friends everrr and her family and my family which was so nice! We had a week of relaxation, and spent loads of time in the sea and looking at the beautiful scenery. It was just so nice to get away from everything and I was really reluctant to come home! (N)
This last week has, however, been a bit strange because Dad had to go to hospital on Sunday night (8th rather than 15th...) and was in until this Sunday (15th) having tests and then a small operation on his arteries. He seems to be okay now, though, but is still pretty weak and can't drive or go out or anything...
I need to get started on a fairly huge chemistry project so I'd better go now, but I will try to get back into this! :P Dear me I'm a bit of a failure!... Never mind...
Hope everyone's happy and healthy :)
Anna xx