Yesterday, I officially finished college for Summer. For the Summer holidays! The ones that children and teenagers make thousands of plans for; the ones that you spend the rest of the year dreaming and romanticising about. The very words 'Summer holidays' bring memories of dangling out of trees giggling as a child, that delicious smell of suncream on holiday and lying in the sun with wet hair...
But somehow, I'm not really excited. I think it's partially that it hasn't really sunk in that there's no more college for months, because I keep forgetting, but a bigger part of it is my feeling apprehensive about my university application - things like the UKCAT (booked for 17th August) and the personal statement I've somehow got to cut down from 6270 characters to under 4000 while still proving myself to be more worthy than the 15+ other people fighting for exactly the same coveted place on the course.
Right now, this is my bedside table. Reading these books and doubting myself doesn't make for the best night's sleep, but it's the only way I've been able to fit it in my schedule lately - hopefully I'll have a bit more time now I'm not at college, and can avoid thinking about university stuff just before I go to sleep.
All this is a bit of a cloud hanging over the Summer I see stretching out before me, because I'll have to be doing UKCAT practice among other things so the guilt whenever I relax will remain. But that didn't stop me from having a nice end-of-year celebratory sleepover at my Maddy's last night :). We ate ice cream out of the tubs in front of a film and went to sleep relatively early, so it was nice and relaxing, and I feel quite refreshed this morning.
Tonight I have a baptism class and am meeting my lovely Hayley, Becky and Beth for a late-afternoon coffee, but I'll be doing some serious room tidying for the rest of the morning/early afternoon. So instead of daydreaming and blogging I'd better get stuck in!
Love, love, love