Thursday, 24 June 2010

Happy times!

I haven't blogged for a while, but I've been so busy! The date I'd been longing for came and went, and I officially have NO MORE EXAMS, not even general studies! Yay!

I feel very free...

...saying that, my ambitions to do medicine at university mean that I can't really relax for the next months - I have my UKCAT (UK clinical aptitude test - like an IQ test for unis to distinguish between medical candidates) booked for August so I'm busy practising the methods for answering the different questions, although it's impossible to revise for, as such.

But today is a good, good day for several other reasons:

1)Tomorrow is my 17th Birthday - how old do I feel?!
2) I'm in Bristol for the university open day, and it feels like I'm coming home almost - I lived around here until I was 8.
3)Being in Bristol means I get to meet up with my old best friend, who I love to bits!
4) Well, for the past couple of years, I've been seriously thinking about getting baptised - I wasn't christened as a baby (and my parents are athiests) so I really felt that it was the right time to make a commitment to God in front of other people. So the date was set for the 18th July, and today I decided to tell my mum about it, as I was a little hesitant about telling my parents.
So I plucked up the courage in the car today, and after a few abortive attempts (I was really nervous so the words didn't seem to want to come out) just said "Mum, I'm getting baptised on the 18th July". She was surprised, and then worried that I'd been pressured into it, but when I assured her that it was totally my decision, and explained that I was doing it because I really believe in God, consider myself a Christian and want to make a commitment she was fine with it and said she would go... Yes!

This is a picture I love, that I took in France of my beautiful Hayley and her charming brother on the swings <3

So I'm so happy at the moment, and loving life.
Hope you're well :) love love love xxx