Saturday, 19 February 2011


The things I had planned did indeed fill me up again :)

My visit to Malmesbury was nice: there's something very complete about going to the pub and having a couple of drinks with the people you went to pre-school with, even if I did get told I was "so Northern my middle name should be 'hotpot'". I also discovered that cider makes me think of New Year and I physically can't drink it without feeling that might be a lifelong cider taste aversion I created!

Hannah and I went to a spa with our mums which was lovely, and I bought some jeans that actually fit! Well done New Look!

I also attempted to give blood the day after we got back from Malmesbury, which went quite impressively wrong! I arrived and everything seemed fine until it came to actually having the needle put in - I'm not at all needle phobic so it wasn't to do with that, but apparently I have very small veins and they struggled to find one. Once they managed to get it in (unpleasant experience with more than one person attempting), all seemed okay except I started to feel really ill. They came over and lay me down and, after weighing me, said it was because I was underweight to give blood and to come back in a few years when I'd put on weight and my veins had grown! And they couldn't even use the 350ml of blood they managed to get out of my poor little vein because it wasn't a full bag....bad times!
At least I had an impressive dressing, which Maddy promptly decided to graffiti:

On the Tuesday after we got back, Mum had her operation. It went well and she was able to come home the same day, which none of us expected. They took some lymph nodes to test to see if the cancer has spread and results came back yesterday - thankfully, it hasn't spread :). However, it's more aggressive than they initially thought so she'll have to have lots of chemo etc.
But the main thing is that it hasn't spread - this is why I'm thankful today.

Another reason I'm thankful this week is that BSMS seem to have changed their mind about me!! On Wednesday I went to check my emails and found an email from BSMS inviting me to interview on Saturday 26th February! I was so shocked, and don't think it's sunk in yet still - I wasn't even happy, just sat at the computer in disbelief.
I still don't know whether I even want to do medicine any more, so it's all confusing still. However, I'm trusting in my God :). I know He'll make everything work okay, so I'm just going to work my hardest and do my best to muddle through in my overly human way. A further reason to be thankful - it's okay that I'm human, flawed, weak. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, it says "for when I am weak, You are strong" - God's strong enough for both of us and I just have to do my best. In a Kari Jobe song I love, the lyrics are "I know that You will never forsake me in my weakness" and I think that's pretty amazing!

It's now officially half term - later on, Maddy's coming over so we can sort out packing the car for ABERSOCHHH! I actually cannot wait for this holiday - it's going to be amazing. I'm going to drink a little bit, but ultimately be the responsible one because I need to look after the others. I'm so looking forward to it all though, my first proper holiday with friends and without parents :D

I'm off to pack now :) xxxx

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