Saturday, 8 January 2011

Hello, 2011!

2010 is over, and it's now 8 days into 2011. I've been thinking a lot about 2010 in these few days about the ways in which I've changed or accomplished things so decided to make a list of 10 things that happened (in no particular order) - because 2010 was definitely a beautiful year!

In 2010, I:

1) Did 2 sets of exams and came out with 4As and an A*
2) Sat my UKCAT and got the best score I could have hoped for!
3) Got baptised <3
4) Had some amazing encounters with God
5) Found and got to know a lovely mentor
6) Started volunteering at WASC (Warrington Association for Special Children) and realised what a true blessing children with additional needs are.
7) Pushed through my fears and insecurities to become very involved in leading worship - led in the evenings and have sung at IMPACT! (and due to lead tomorrow morning!)
8) Lost enough weight to be happy with my body for the first time (not that I've ever been overweight, I just actually kind of like my figure now)
9) Laughed a LOT, cried a lot too, but the laughter is the most dominant!
10) Applied for medicine and got an interview for Leicester :)

Life is so, so beautiful and 2010 has definitely helped me to see a lot of its beauty. God has shown Himself to me a lot as well, and my faith has increased so much <3

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