The time since I last posted has gone so quickly! In fact, I really can't believe how much 2011 is flying of today I only have 10 days left in college...ever. I also got another offer from Leicester! 2 offers for medicne is 2 more than I expected :D.
Spring is most definitely here now - the daffodils have been blooming for a while now and we've had some glorious blue skies and fluffy white clouds to enjoy. It makes college so much more bearable when we can sit on the grass in the sun and chat at lunchtimes and on frees, and somehow the sun puts everyone in much better moods!
But it's also been quite a hard few weeks. The doctor's visit I mentioned in the last post was related to the fact I'd been still really struggling with food and everything, and having dizzy spells a lot of the time. The doctor said it was all stress-related, and recommended eating "little and often" rather than in big meals which I wouldn't be able to manage as easily, however I've started having panic attacks when I eat too much or overthink eating which complicates things...
But I know God's got it all in His hands, and everything's going to be okay. I have the most amazingly supportive friends, and as Maddy said a few days ago, "I can't wait for Summer when you're better and we can hang out and eat ice cream, drink cider and laugh about everything" :).
And I've had some fun times too: making pink pancakes at butterflies (as a belated pancake day celebration)and having a crazy disposable barbeque night with maddy and lexie, when we drank a lot of pimms out of a bowl and lay in hoodies looking at the stars with our feet warming on the campfire :D.
Tomorrow night I've got Matt's 18th and I'm so looking forward to it: it'll be a mixture of church friends, college friends and old school friends all together so will be lovely! I'm also off to Alton Towers with Georgie on Tuesday so I'm hopefully going to have a more exciting and fun-filled blog post next time! :D
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