Monday 24 November 2008

Christmas Shopping

Well this weekend just gone, I was Christmas Shopping. The typical stressful, expensive yet strangely satisfying pasttime.....

It started out quite well (except for me and Mum getting a little lost on our way into Manchester!), with the weather looking acceptable and Starbucks being our first stop :). I had a toffee nut latte which was delicious and wintery, but my time was a bit saddened by the presence of a homeless man in a doorway on the opposite side of the street. I really,really wanted to buy him a coffee because he looked so cold and weak - it made me feel so bad with all my things, umbrella, bag etc etc and he was there with nothing. However, being a rather afraid and weak person I didn't.... And now I regret that but I just hope he's ok now...

We went around the shops for hours buying present after present while the weather went from bad to worse - hail and pouring rain! After about four hours of being packed in with millions of other people: chavs with pushchairs, grannies travelling at 1mph etc, I could not take it any more. I had reached the point where I was ready to clobber every other shopper to death with my numerous bags simply for having the nerve to shop at the same time as me - it was time for a break! We went for a late lunch and I ordered a massive panini meal with loads of salad and coleslaw and stuff, and ended up being full after about four mouthfuls so had to force loads down so I didn't get it trouble - it was pretty expensive.

As we finsihed I realized that despite all the stress and crowdedness, I was still thinking about next year! Just like Christmas in general :)

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