Saturday 24 March 2012

work, work and self-care

Love Monday, number 9:

okay, so this week has been absolutely crazy! my contract with the caring company to work 20-25 hours a week somehow turned into my working 40 hours, including 10 hour days without a proper break and being asked to perform tasks I haven't actually been trained in...

using the word 'stressful' would be an understatement but, actually, I'm quite proud of how I've coped this long shifts and stressful experiences with work would have been great excuses to restrict (making time to eat anything was a genuine challenge) but I was sensible and took care of my body in that sense...

and this morning, having done an exhausting few days' routine of getting up at 5am, working through till 5pm then heading to chat and chill/IMPACT! youth group/Rock Solid, I made the decision not to go to WASC so I can spend the time until I start work (doing 2:30pm-11pm today) relaxing and catching up with things like washing and emails... Admittedly, it was very much related to my skype pinkie promise to Maddy that I would try to rest, but it was still ultimately my choice, and I see it as a step forward in terms of self-care.

My bedroom window is open and I can smell Spring flowers. Soon, I'm going to potter downstairs and make some 'dried fruit goo', put some washing on and play my guitar and spend some time with God. I'm thankful for beautiful weather, a house to myself and a lazy morning today. Because, in terms of my recovery, there is absolutely nothing 'lazy' about this morning. It is good, it is needed, and I refuse to feel guilty about it.

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